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GC shall instruct aircraft to <i> “Contact Savannah Tower 119.500” </i> unless otherwise agreed upon by LC. LC can request pilot monitor the frequency instead of contacting.
GC shall instruct aircraft to <i> “Contact Savannah Tower 125.975” </i> unless otherwise agreed upon by LC. LC can request pilot monitor the frequency instead of contacting.

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<br>LC shall provide initial radar separation between successive departures.
<br>LC shall provide initial radar separation between successive departures.

<br> When automatic departures are in effect, IFR jet/turbojet departures
shall be released on runway heading climbing to 4,000 feet.
<br> When automatic departures are in effect, IFR departures may be released on a heading as depicted, climbing to 3,000 feet. Aircraft shall be assigned a departure heading towards the receiving TRACON sector’s (RN, RW, RS) airspace.
<br> When automatic departures are in effect, IFR departures may be released on a heading as depicted, climbing to 3,000 feet. Aircraft shall be assigned a departure heading towards the receiving TRACON sector’s (RN, RW, RS) airspace.
<br>When automatic releases are in effect, VFR departures may be released on a heading as depicted, climbing at or below 3,000 feet.<br><br>
<br>When automatic releases are in effect, VFR departures may be released on a heading as depicted, climbing at or below 3,000 feet.<br><br>

Latest revision as of 20:14, 8 June 2024

Area Information

ICAO Code Airport Name Airspace IFR Beacon Codes VFR Beacon Codes
KSAV Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport C 6701-6777 6701-6777


This document prescribes the procedures to be utilized for providing air traffic control services at the Savannah/Hilton Head Air Traffic Control Tower (SAV ATCT) and TRACON. The procedures described herein are supplemental to the Jacksonville ARTCC Facility Operating Guidelines and FAA Order JO 7110.65, as well as any published FAA guidelines or procedures.


This order is distributed to all Jacksonville ARTCC personnel.

Operational Positions

Position Radio Name Callsign Relief Callsign Symbol Frequency
Clearance Delivery Savannah Clearance Delivery SAV_DEL SAV_1_DEL 6SD 119.550
Ground Savannah Ground SAV_GND SAV_1_GND 6SG 121.900
Tower Savannah Tower SAV_TWR SAV_1_TWR 6ST 125.975
Position Sector Name Callsign Relief Callsign Symbol Frequency
RN Radar North SAV_N_APP SAV_1N_APP 6RN 125.300
RW Radar West SAV_W_APP SAV_1W_APP 6RW 118.400
RS Radar South SAV_S_APP SAV_1S_APP 6RS 120.400

Sector in Red is the primary sector.

ATCT Information

IFR Departure Instructions

All Aircraft shall be "Cleared as filed" unless a route amend is necessary. All routes must comply with LOA-approved standards. Aircraft unable to accept preferred route require coordination between all affected facilities.
Note: Amend all Jet/Turboprop departure filed above 10,000 requesting route between Savannah 270 radial clockwise to 090 radial via SMALZ or JROSS, as appropriate.
CD is responsible for rerouting all aircraft departing SAV that will transit over any active MOAs or restricted areas in or above the SAV airspace.

Instruct all pilots to maintain 3,000 feet and to expect filed cruise altitude (If higher) ten minutes after departure. All filed cruise altitudes must be checked for validity for the direction of flight and/or LOAs.
Note: all flights outbound on the east side of the FL peninsula shall be assigned an even altitude if landing within the zma airspace.

Departure Frequency
The Primary Departure Frequency is SAV_N_APP on 125.300. Updates to the Departure Frequency will be given by the TRACON controller.

All departing aircraft shall be assigned a transponder code between 6701-6777.

VFR Departure Instructions

If Aircraft is not remaining in the pattern, issue the instruction "Maintain VFR at or below 3,000 feet".

Departure Frequency
VFR aircraft not remaining within the pattern shall be given a departure frequency. The primary departure frequency is SAV_N_APP on 125.300. Updates to the Departure Frequency will be given by the TRACON controller.

All VFR aircraft not remaining in the pattern shall be assigned a transponder code between 6701-6777. Those remaining in the pattern shall squawk 1200.

Pushback and Startup

GC does not authorize pushbacks or startups unless the aircraft pushing back will enter a controlled area during pushback.

  • In these instances, aircraft should be instructed “Push and start approved, push tail facing (direction).” The direction should keep the aircraft pointed in the direction the aircraft will taxi.
  • If the pilot calls to push, and no controlled area will be penetrated, simply advise the pilot “Push and start at pilot's discretion.”

Intersection Departure

GC must advise LC of all intersection departures verbally or through the chatbox.


GC shall ensure pilots have the current ATIS prior to the aircraft being handed off to LC.

Active Runway Operations

GC must transfer communications to LC if an aircraft is to operate on an active runway.


GC shall instruct aircraft to “Contact Savannah Tower 125.975” unless otherwise agreed upon by LC. LC can request pilot monitor the frequency instead of contacting.

Area of Responsiblity

LC has responsibility for a five mile radius from the SAV field from surface up to and including 2,000 MSL.

Active Runway Selection

A two-runway configuration must be used, even if only one runway is active. The active runway shall be determined based on wind and known factors that may affect the safety of takeoff/landing operations.
Runway 10 and 1 are designated as the calm wind runway.
Note: It is “operationally advantageous” to stay in a Runway 10/1 configuration whenever possible. There, Runway 10/1 will be used until the airport wind value at or above five knots.

Departure Procedures

LC will provide separation for aircraft in the LC airspace.
LC shall provide initial radar separation between successive departures.

When automatic departures are in effect, IFR departures may be released on a heading as depicted, climbing to 3,000 feet. Aircraft shall be assigned a departure heading towards the receiving TRACON sector’s (RN, RW, RS) airspace.
When automatic releases are in effect, VFR departures may be released on a heading as depicted, climbing at or below 3,000 feet.


Arrival Procedures

LC shall be responsible for separation of all arrival aircraft that have been handed off by TRACON from all departing aircraft still under LC jurisdiction
Communication transfer must be completed prior to five nautical miles from the runway.
Practice Instrument Approaches: Issue special instructions as verbally coordinated with the TRACON.
LC shall NOT change the approach sequence without coordination.

Go Around/unplanned Missed Approach

  • LC shall assign IFR aircraft runway heading and 2,000 feet
  • LC must verbally coordinate with departure prior to frequency change.

Automatic Release

LC is authorized automatic releases from the TRACON controller so long as the aircraft departs on the pre-coordinated active departing runway(s) on approved departure headings
In order for automatic releases to be authorized, procedures in this document shall be followed.
Departure releases must be obtained if automatic releases are suspended by TRACON.

Visual Tower

Savannah ATCT is a visual/VFR tower and shall not initiate or accept any radar handoffs and shall not initiate control/start track on any target.


LC shall manage the ATIS for KSAV

Land and Hold Short (LAHSO) Procedures

LAHSO operations are authorized at SAV. Operations are approved for the runways and associated hold short points and when weather conditions are dry.

LAHSO Available Landing Distance (ALD)
Runway LAHSO Point ALD
1 RWY 10/28 4,050 feet
10 RWY 19/1 5,450 Feet
28 RWY 19/1 3,250 Feet

TRACON Information

Sectorization Description

The primary “combined” radar position shall be RN. No other sectors shall be staffed until the “combined” position is already in use
Once RN is in use, RN may delegate a portion of its airspace to RS. Thereafter, RN may delegate a portion of its airspace to RW.
Unless otherwise coordinated, RN, RW, and RS are responsible for areas depicted.
RN, RW, and RS provide overflight services and approach sequence to airports landing in the Savannah ATCT airspace.

VFR Aircraft

VFR Aircraft entering the Class Charlie airspace will be given a discrete beacon code.

If an aircraft departs from SAV and does not request a flight following, the aircraft will be handed off from LC to TRACON and released to UNICOM once clear of the Class Charlie.

Handoff and Radar Tracking

Savannah ATCT is a VFR tower. No radar handoffs shall be initiated to LC.

TRACON controllers shall not drop track on any arriving aircraft. This allows a controller to maintain radar identification during missed approach.

Release and Rolling Calls

TRACON sectors give automatic releases to all departures from Savannah ATCT when departures follow the standard departure procedures as specified in this document.

All other airports within TRACON’s boundaries shall request a departure release. Upon approval of the release, the release shall be good for five minutes.

Upon issuance of the takeoff clearance, a departure message shall be sent to the appropriate departure sector. This can be accomplished non-verbally by the LC ensuring the aircraft is squawking the appropriate squawk code and mode C is enabled when airborne.

TRACON Departure Procedures

Forward departure instructions to LC for aircraft executing practice missed approaches.

Ensure all departures are on course as soon as practical.

All departures should be on course before handoff to Enroute Control unless otherwise coordinated. Aircraft shall be climbed to 10,000 or less if filed.

Provide airspace for automatic departures and radar final.

Provide airspace for missed approach on all runways.
Prearranged Coordination</b3>
Prearranged coordination are authorized within seven miles of the SAV Airport when aircraft have been radar identified and two-way communication has been established.
Prearranged coordination procedures for each runway configuration are as follows:

  • Runway 10/1: RS/RW may transit RN airspace without coordination
  • Runway 10/19: RW/RN may transit RS airspace without coordination.
  • Runway 28/19: RW/RN may transit RS airspace without coordination.
  • Runway 28/1: RN/RS may transit RW airspace without coordination.

TRACON Arrival Procedures

The sector responsible for the primary runway shall establish the approach sequence for all arrivals.

Communications transfer of arriving aircraft to LC must be accomplished no later than five nautical miles from the end of the arrival runway.

When simultaneous approaches are being conducted on converging runways, LC is responsible for ensuring runway separation. However, TRACON must provide enough spacing to minimize the possibility of a go-around.

When vectoring to final from parallel downwinds, aircraft on opposing base legs shall be assigned altitudes to ensure vertical separation unless other approved separation has been applied. This ensures separation in the event of an overshoot on final.

Coordinate with LC for any aircraft conducting approaches to other runways than the active arrival runway(s) in use.

Satellite Procedures

Aircraft departing from, or destined for SAV satellite fields (defined as any field other than SAV inside of the SAV designated airspace), shall be kept clear of departure flows into and arrival flows out of SAV whenever possible.
For arrivals into satellite airports: Once aircraft have received an approach clearance, a pointout to the appropriate ATCT shall be initiated. Once the pointout is completed, aircraft communications shall be transferred to the ATCT.


RN area of jurisdiction is the northeast quadrant of the airspace as depicted, surface to 10,000 MSL.
RN is responsible for departure control for north eastbound traffic
RN is responsible for final radar control of all arrivals when runway SAV is configured 28/19



RW area of jurisdiction is the northwest quadrant of the airspace as depicted, surface to 10,000 MSL.
RW is responsible for departure control for north westbound traffic.
RW is responsible for final radar control of all arrivals when runway SAV is configured 10/19



RS area of jurisdiction is the southern half of the airspace as depicted, surface to 10,000 MSL.
RS is responsible for departure control for southbound traffic.